Female Proposals / Rishtay from UK / usa

Find female proposals from United Kingdom, UK, from Pakistani families living in London

Name : xyz
Gender: female
Martial Status: single
Age : 25
Height : 5″5
Health Condition : good
Sect (Maslak) : sunni
Qualifications : mphill microbiology
Family Details
Father Name : Munir Ahmad
Father Occupation : Retired government officer, currently employed in a private company
Mother Occupation: Housewife
brothers 2 (married)
Adress : satellite town Rawalpindi
Age upto 31 years old
Educated and decent family from Rawalpindi or Islamabad
Proposal by: Huma Shahzad

Personal information📝
Gender: Female
Marital Status : Single
Name: XYZ
DOB: 20th December 1995
Height: 5’1
Sect: Sunni
Caste: Malik Awan
Qualifications: MS in Biomedical Engineering
Name of educational institution : University of Bologna, Italy
Job: Lecturer in an Engineering University of Islamabad
Income: Handsome MashAllah
Size of house: 10 Marla
Society: Gulistan Colony
City: Rawalpindi
Family details:👨👩👦👦
Father’ Name: Malik Rizwan (late)
Father occupation: Textile Engineer
Sisters: None
Married sis : None
Brothers: Two
Married bro : None
Other Details:
Life partner Requirements:❓
A decent income
A decent family

Name: xyz
Marital Status: Single
Health Condition:fit
Complexion: fair
House, Rent/Own: Own
Social Status: upper middle class
Religon: ISLAM
Sect: Sunni
Father’s Origin: (Punjab)
Mother’s Origin (PUNJAB)
Present Address: WAPDA TOWN Islamabad
Education: i) 12 years (Matric & Intermediate Science) from IMCG F- 10 College, Isd ii) Master in Mathematics (16 years) from Air University Islamabad
Occupation: Student
Parents living: i) 30 years lived in Islamabad ii) for last 2 years living at WAPDA Town Islamabad, C-18, Isd.
Father Occupation: Advisor Finance in Fed Govt. Ministry of WAPDA, Islamabad and also working as Secretary Finance WAPDA Town Islamabad
Religion: Islam
Residence: As above
Nationality: Pakistani
No of Brothers: 2
Non of Married
No of Sisters: 2
Gender: Male
Age: below 30 years with good looking
Marital status: non-married
Religion: Islam
Sect: Sunni Height: below 6″ feet Profession: working at Islamabad
Reference by Huma Shahzad 🌸

Name : Abc
Age: 24 years
Height: 5.3″
Cast:Syed Sunni
Family: Father, Mother & Two sisters
Own Residence in Islamabad
Software Engineer from Comsats.
MS from Bahria University
Current job & Designation
Digital Marketing Executive, Software House (Us-Based )
Near to Home.(Islamabad)
Father:Asst.Director (R)
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Mother:House Wife
🌷Looking for
Ager 25 to 30
Well educated
Well settled
Cast,syed,Urdu speaking

Personal Information
Gender: Female
Height: 5’2
Marital Status: Singal
Education Details:
Job Details:banker
Religion : Islam
Cast: shiekh
House on rent owns plot
Father: Retired from MC
Mother: House wife
Brothers: 1Brothers { married}
Sisters:1 sister

Current City: Rawalpindi
Requirement …Govt job or businessman
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Pakistani
Age: 29
Ancestrol Village: Rawalpindi
Caste: Janjua Rajpoot
Current Location: London
Legal Status? Student Visa
Height: 5’1″
Education: Masters
Occupation: Student
Build: Slim
Any Disabilities?: No
Religious Practice?: Always
Religious Manhaj?: Sunni
Marital Status: Single
Any Children?: 0
Are you a Revert or Born muslim?: Born Muslim
Siblings: 1 brother
Preferences in your potential partner?*
Age Preference? 27 to 35
Height Preference? 5.9 to 6
Education Preference? Bachelors
Occupation Preference? Working
Consider s/o with Children? No
Consider s/o with Disabilities? No

This is Mohammad LHR but currently I am living and working here in Kuwait. Can we talk about proposal, if yes then please reply me on my email.