zaroorat rishta unmarried girls nov 23 2024 with whatsapp number

Home Son-in-law Relationship Canada Nationality Girl
House-son-in-law relationship Canada Nationality Girl
Age 29 years old widow Canada Seattle
Girl wants a house-son-in-law sincere relationship
From Toronto in Canada.
Will sponsor financial support and visa…
We have told every time that we are going to get married.
We take the registration fee before contacting, then we will contact. But some dishonest people come to take a sip. And then they say that we had given the fee to someone else, so now we will not give it to you. Such people should not waste their and our time.
Those who are married for the second time can also contact. Pakistanis from any country can contact.
Do not contact when time is running out.
I want to get married quickly
The family is in Pakistan.
Contact WhatsApp.